It is a degenerative disorder (condition) of the cervical region of the spine. It causes narrowing of the vertebral artery canal and spinal canal which compresses the nerves.
The main symptom of CS is pain in the neck part of the spine due to compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots. Usually pain in CS increases with movement. CS causes arm weakness, numbness and cramping. CS can cause problems with coordination and balance. Rarely, symptoms of CS include loss of bowel and bladder control.
The primary Risk factor for CS is Aging. Other factors can also increase the chance of CS are:
History of neck injury or trauma
Work related stress or strains
Being over weight and inactive
Congenital bony abnormality
Genetic factors
To reduce pain and inflammation Ice packs applied to the neck and shoulder region during the first 24 to 48 hours.
Moist heat can be used after this time period to make the surrounding muscles relax.
Gradually try to increase Range of motion in the neck. Gently move the neck in each directions. Also do shoulder movements as well.
IFT or TENS units can also be helpful in reducing ( relieving) pain.
Cervical brace /cervical soft collar/ cervical pillow should be used.
Cervical traction shall apply to alleviate nerve root compression.
Stretching and strengthening of neck and shoulder muscles helps to relieve pain.
Tennis elbow is also called lateral epicondylitis. It is an overuse injury that causes inflammation, tendonitis and lateral elbow pain at the origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis.